I heard about worldschooling for the first time last year and knew immediately that there must be tons of benefits to it. Worldschooling is becoming more and more popular over the past few years and there are many benefits proving why.
Some of the worldschooling benefits include:
- The endless Learning opportunities
- Gets kids and parents out of their comfort zone
- Hands on learning
- Language learning
- No set schedule
- More outdoor time
- Have an international friend group
- Bond with the family
- Appreciate travel
Want to know how these things are benefits? Here you’ll find out why this list of benefits are so great, and what the disadvantages are.
The Benefits

Learning Opportunities
Learning opportunities are endless when it comes to traveling! Especially with curious kids asking lots of question. Traveling introduces their kids to so many new things. While they’re worldschooling, kids can learn from anything like museums, to wildlife exhibits, to cooking classes. There is no limit to what worldschoolers can learn about. Worldschoolers expand their knowledge in subjects that they are interested in.
Get Kids and Parents out of their Comfort Zone
Experiencing new things is pretty much one of the main points of travel. Most people want to travel to see and experience new things, which also includes getting out of their comfort zones. Every week worldschoolers get to try new things, whether it’s new foods, or new experiences. Even just when families have decided to worldschool they’re getting out of their comfort zone. It’s a big commitment. Worldschooled kids have open minds and are used to trying new things. Psychologists have even found that a little anxiety can help you perform at your peak.
Hands on Learning
Like any type of alternative schooling, most worldschoolers approach learning through hands on projects and activities. Worldschoolers have the opportunity to learn all about culture, languages, history, forms of art, math (ie. exchanging currencies) by actually experiencing them in the real world instead of through a textbook. Their parents are their teachers which means that worldschooling kids are taught in a loving environment. Worldschool parents can make a mix of lots of different types of education that will be best for their kids.
Language Learning
Most worldschooled kids get to experience different languages through their travels. Just by hearing different languages being spoken, kids will pick up a little bit here and there which is great and especially makes it easier for them to make new friends in different countries. Learning languages helps the brain grow, and increases confidence. Plus knowing foreign languages is good for listening skills and memory.
No Set Schedule
When you’re a worldschooler, it’s kind of hard to have a set schedule of learning 5 days a week from 8am-3pm when you’re traveling. Even if worldschoolers are exploring one country for a year. The learning never stops when you’re exploring. It’s not like worldschoolers are going to turn off their brains once school hours are over. Plus certain activities are early in the day and some are later. One day you might find yourself getting up at 4am to go bird watching or staying up until 11am to do a night walk in the jungle.
More Outdoor Time
Worldschoolers spend a lot of their time doing outdoor activities. When most people travel they want to be doing and seeing new things, not being cooped up inside. But in regular schools, there’s a limited amount of time allowed outside during recess and lunch. Where some worldschooling families will spend days outside.
It’s scientifically proven that being outdoor is critical for kids’ brain development. When kids are outdoor it improves their mood, and their sense of wellbeing. And of course kids who spend more time outdoor are generally healthier. Allowing kids to experience the beauty of the nature and forests will open up so many opportunities. Nature is magical, it can give you so many inspirational ideas.
Have an International Friend Group
It’s important for people to be able to understand different cultures and what better way to do it than make friends from all around the world. This can teach a lot about compassion and peace, and kids may gain appreciation of different cultures. Being friends with people who speak different languages also enhances your understanding in their language. Worldschoolers make friends that are all different ages, unlike public school where they separate you based on your age. Being friends with people who speak different languages also enhances your understanding in their language.
Bond with the Family
What better way to bond with your family then spending a month to several years adventuring. Get to know your kids and their talents and passions. Sure you might get tired of one another sometimes, but it’s the best time to spend with your kids before they grow up and you don’t see them as much.
Appreciate Travel
When worldschoolers are traveling they can’t afford to stay in 5 star luxury hotels every night. Parents have to find other options for accommodation like AirBnbs, hostels, camping, house sitting or even worldschool house swaps (yes, it’s a thing). Even though they’re getting to travel instead of sit in a classroom in one destination their whole childhood, worldschoolers’ may appreciate their life more because they’ve seen parts of the world where people are less fortunate. They have a better understanding of the world problems going on by seeing them or even experiencing them.
What are the Potential Disadvantages of Worldschooling?
Though there are many benefits to worldschooling, it also has it’s cons. One of the biggest cons is not being able to connect with loved ones at home as often. Family and friends from home might be missed even connecting through the internet it’s not the same as in person. Worldschoolers may also miss their home and having comforts within their home, but some still stay in one place for a few months at a time which can start to feel like home. Possessions and familiar items may be missed too.
Activities is a big thing too. Most kids at home have weekly activities that they look forward to. Worldschoolers might miss those activities and getting to do their passion. Learning an instrument like piano might be hard because you can’t really take a piano with you while you travel. Getting sick can also be a pain while traveling, but again worldschoolers aren’t always on the go so in some situations getting sick would be just like getting sick at home. Other things like jet lag, sunburns, stings and mosquitoes bites might be more annoying with having to deal with.
What are the Misconceptions of Worldschooling?
No social life, bad education and you have to be rich, are what I find to be the biggest misconceptions of worldschooling. This is just from my experience and from what people have asked me about but I think everyone wonders about this.
Social life is huge when you worldschool! When they’re traveling worldschoolers meet and connect with so many people. Especially when kids are playing at a park and meet other kids. As a worldschooler you can have friends of any age, gender or ethnicity. A lot of worldschool families are on Facebook groups where they can get to know other worldschoolers and even meet up with them.
Worldschooling is pretty much education at its best. It might be hard to understand, but it’s not like worldschoolers are just staying at a resort doing nothing. They have stuff going on. They can learn science and socials from museums, nature or online, math from exchanging currency, time changes and everyday life things, music and culture through experiencing it first hand, you get the idea. A lot of worldschoolers also learn the more academic subjects like math, english and science through online classes like khan academy.
You need to be rich to worldschool is the biggest misconception of them all. Yes, to travel you need some money, but as worldschoolers they normally sell their house and most of their belongings, giving them some money to travel and minimizing expenses. Like I said before, worldschoolers are not traveling fancy. Parents still work on the go, and nowadays there are so many job options for nomads. And a lot blog or vlog about their experience, which can make some money too. Again they have to travel on a big budget but it’s a sacrifice that’s worth making for the amazing experience.
You can read more about the misconceptions of worldschooling on my personal website.